Title: RodthaGreat visual release "The Fever Dream" "RodthaGreat"

Title: RodthaGreat visual release "The Fever Dream"

RodthaGreat An Atlanta Raised 'Poetic Narrative' artist, shows why He's slowly climbing the Global Top 150 independent Charts with his EP "The Art of Slumber", and it's not to be slept on. Released in the 4th Quarter of 2021 it is steady making headway as his song 'The Fever Dream' depicts his transparency and shows his talent to be very alluring with a combined profound Vision of a Simple yet inviting rap style of what he dreams and paints his canvas to be through his invasive word play. Be on the look out for this Rising Star RodthaGreat.  written by @Darealceozay 

Watch "The Fever Dream" by RodthaGreat https://youtu.be/uSQ76cyvZ4E

Instagram:RodthaGreat https://www.instagram.com/rodthagreatt/
Twitter:rodthagreat1 https://twitter.com/rodthagreat1
✨Published Version✨ https://thenyexpress.com/rodthagreat-visual-release-the-fever-dream/


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