This would be Way easier if I wasn't dealing with *TheBeast in me every day to remain humble in a chaotic reality. Naw you didn't put me here love I made a choice to protect myself and my ex girl I thrive off emotions to always react In an extravert way vs *TheKing will use his 3rd eye his steady mindset to reveal n discern a purpose or intention of things when I look at you talk to you think of you pray for you and the kids us I See only ✨ Family 🤞🏿✨ that's a Core of me I cherish babes family is everything to me I don't like being done wrong or made to feel like I'm doing wrong by my family or too my family cause at the end of the day if you don't have that in this world you truly all alone just as you came into this world but when you depart this world you never alone, so if you continue to only see yourself by yourself you never understand the type of man God Allowed to Share your presence with n wants to spend the rest of his life with you I'm flawed ...