Make Healing Top Priority ‼️
The pandemic has shaken our world to its core, leaving countless people grappling with isolation and detachment. But here’s a little secret: for those with unresolved attachment trauma, the struggle with connection has always been real. It’s only just gotten worse. You know the feeling. You yearn for deep, meaningful relationships but can’t shake the anxiety that comes with opening up. The reason? Your past experiences have left their mark,shaping the way you perceive and engage with the world. Your brain, being the ever-vigilant protector,has learned to value isolation over vulnerability. In the past, this survival mechanism shielded you from emotional turmoil, but now, it’s the very thing that’s holding you back from love and happiness in adulthood. The question remains: How do you break free from this emotional straitjacket? While devouring books, binge-watching self-help videos,and trying to rewire your nervous system alone might seem like a good idea,they’re not enough. The true a...